Elizabeth Greenberg is an artist and educator living on the coast of Maine. She is an explorer of places and memories of that which has never been seen.
Growing up an only child, ample time alone fostered her vivid and active imagination. At the age of fourteen, she fell in love with the medium of photography and it has since been the language she uses to share her daydreams and visions of imaginary places.
Elizabeth’s passion for photography has also been her guide for living a life and career immersed in a daily conversation about looking at and making pictures.
She studied photography at Rhode Island School of Design and thereafter began what would become a long-term relationship with the Maine Media Workshops + College (formerly Maine Photographic Workshops.)
After running her own commercial photography business in NYC she changed paths to more seriously pursue her own art practice and share her passion for the medium of photography through education. She received her MFA in Visual Arts from Vermont College.
Elizabeth’s work has been exhibited across the country and she has curated numerous exhibitions. She works with the Arnold and Augusta Newman Foundation to administer the Arnold Newman Prize for New Directions in Photographic Portraiture to honor her mentor’s legacy.
Currently, Elizabeth is the Arnold and Augusta Newman Provost at Maine Media Workshops + College. She teaches workshops in Maine, Hawaii, and Norway and is a member of the faculty in both the certificate and MFA programs at the college.
With my camera, I explore as an archeologist of memories and myths. I look for evidence of secrets, to tell stories of magic, mystery, love, loss, and memories of things never seen.
I make opportunities for the unexpected by using antique and plastic lenses, to create evocative, soft-focus images. Working in black and white, I transform the present into reflections of the past.
My photographs suggest fictitious memories of moments and places as imagined, as if I am the first to discover them. The images are of what is not there, but for me.
website © 2025